How to Build an Intelligent AI Model? An Enterprise Perspective

Sudeep Srivastava February 13, 2024
build ai model

A few decades back, did we ever imagine the existence of a machine mimicking human intelligence?

Well, today, we stand at the threshold of the digital revolution that answers this question. With data being the key to innovation and algorithms the ladder to success, it has become crucial for enterprises to build an AI model to adapt to the demands of the modern world.

An AI model serves as an excellent tool that simplifies complex tasks and augments human capabilities by unlocking new levels of efficiency and accuracy. From financial predictions to healthcare diagnostics, the applications of AI models are limitless across different industries.

This guide explains how to create an AI model from an enterprise perspective. By examining the confluence of cutting-edge technology and strategic intelligence, we will explore the process and complexities of creating AI models that enable enterprises to foster innovation and remain ahead in a data-centric environment.

AI for your enterprise

The Unprecedented Growth of the Global AI Market

The adoption of AI is poised to drive considerable growth in the global AI market over the next decade. By 2030, this market, which is currently estimated to be worth around $100 billion, is expected to grow twenty times and will be close to $2 trillion, as per Statista.

This growth is attributed to the myriad of industries that have already integrated AI into their operational systems. Notable developments include the rise of chatbots, image-generating AI, and other AI-based mobile applications, which make the future of artificial intelligence a promising one.

Global Artificial Intelligence Market: 2021- 2030

In this perspective, generative AI is yet another rapidly evolving segment. A new age of opportunities for generative artificial intelligence was introduced in 2022 with the release of ChatGPT. This transition is visible when analyzing the dramatic rise of utilizing generative AI from 2022 to 2023.

This growing interest will likely continue as it is expected to maintain momentum. As users seek more complex and human-like chatbot versions, the upcoming iterations of ChatGPT and related AI models are expected to fuel this interest. Read this blog to know the cost of developing a chatbot like ChatGPT.

What is an Intelligent AI Model?

The term “intelligent AI model” describes a sophisticated artificial intelligence system with a high level of cognitive capacities and the ability to carry out challenging tasks with comprehension and judgment comparable to human intelligence. These models are created with complex algorithms and deep learning strategies, frequently incorporating neural networks, enabling them to process enormous volumes of data, recognize patterns, and anticipate or take actions based on the input given.

An intelligent AI application or model is characterized by its ability to learn, reason, understand, adapt, interact, solve problems, and generate accurate results. For instance, a language model like ChatGPT, which can generate human-like text in response to commands and identify objects, people, and scenarios in photos, is one example of an intelligent AI model.

For instance, Appinventiv helped JobGet, an innovative job searching platform, by implementing AI technology that facilitated real-time connection between jobseekers and local businesses.

JobGet an innovative job searching platform

By integrating GPS functionality, our intelligent AI model developers successfully established a mechanism to connect job-seekers with nearby companies actively seeking to hire.

The best part of this collaboration was JobGet receiving Series B funding of $52 million along with 150k jobseekers getting placed.

AI model development services for enterprise

How the Five-Layer Model Optimizes Enterprise AI Systems

The Five-Layer Model of Enterprise AI Systems

In order to build a cohesive AI system, enterprise AI architecture often comprises of multiple layers. The five-layer model is one popular strategy that divides the various parts of an AI system into distinct levels, each with its own function. The five-layer enterprise AI architecture paradigm is described in the following way:

  1. Infrastructure Layer

The infrastructure layer offers the computing power needed for data processing and analysis. This layer consists of hardware resources that speed up AI computations, including servers, GPUs (Graphics Processing Units), and other specialized tools. Enterprises can choose from scalable and adaptable infrastructure alternatives on cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

  1. Data Layer

Data is the cornerstone of any AI system. Data is collected, stored, and preprocessed in the data layer. Tasks, including data cleansing, transformation, standardization, and enhancement, fall under this layer. High-quality, well-organized data is necessary to develop accurate and efficient AI models. Businesses frequently utilize data lakes or warehouses to store and manage massive data.

  1. Service Layer

The service layer is concerned with servicing and deploying intelligent AI models to applications, services, or end users. This layer entails developing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces), enabling communication between systems and AI models. It involves activities including scaling, monitoring, and model deployment. Architectures with containers and microservices are frequently utilized to speed up deployment and management.

  1. Model Layer

The actual AI models are created and trained at this layer. In this layer, relevant algorithms are chosen, neural network designs are designed, hyperparameters are tuned, and models are trained using labeled data. Constructing and training AI models on this layer is common practice using machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch.

  1. Application Layer

The AI capabilities are linked to business apps and procedures at the application layer. Creating apps that use the predictions and suggestions made by the AI models and incorporating AI insights into decision-making processes are all part of this layer. These apps can be used in many fields, such as fraud prevention, supply chain optimization, and customer service.

Understanding the Basics: Step-by-Step Approach to Custom AI Model Development

Understanding the Basics: Step-by-Step Approach to Custom AI Model Development

In order to build an AI model, here are the steps that you need to follow. By following these steps, you can successfully develop an AI model that addresses your enterprise’s challenges.

1. Identify the Issue and Goals

Start by outlining the issue that the AI model will attempt to tackle. Identify the goals and outcomes you plan to achieve, along with listing the challenges. This clarity will direct your model-building efforts, guaranteeing the fulfillment of your business goals. Collaborating with a dedicated IT consulting services firm can help you complete the process with expertise and strategic guidance.

2. Data Preparation and Gathering

Data is the foundation of artificial intelligence models. The model must be tested in real-world scenarios; hence, choosing datasets that appropriately reflect those scenarios is critical.

Through careful cleaning and preprocessing operations, it is crucial to remove inconsistencies from the data before use. Further requirements for effective training include thorough data labeling and management.

3. Choose the Correct Algorithm

Opt for the suitable deep learning algorithm depending on the nature of your challenge. CNNs are excellent for tasks involving images, RNNs are ideal for tasks involving sequence data, such as text and audio, and transformers can manage complicated contextual relationships in data.

4. Design for Model Architecture

The next step is to create the model’s architecture. This entails counting the layers, neurons, and connections that make up the neural network. Model architecture has a big impact on how well the model performs. Therefore, try out several configurations to discover the best one.

5. Training, Validation, and Testing Data Splitting

Next, our team creates three subsets of your dataset for training, validation, and testing. Training data are used to train the model, validation data are used to help fine-tune hyperparameters, and testing data are used to gauge the model’s effectiveness when applied to untested data.

6. Model Training

Now, your AI app development team will move on to input the training data into the model, and then use backpropagation to change the internal parameters incrementally. In this stage, computational resources are needed, and contemporary AI frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch make effective model training possible.

7. Hyperparameter Tuning

At this stage, the team will focus on improving the model’s performance by fine-tuning hyperparameters, including learning rate, batch size, and regularization methods. To balance underfitting and overfitting, experimentation is a key component of this iterative process.

8. Model Assessment

Next, the team uses the validation dataset to evaluate the model’s performance. Measurements, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, offer information about the model’s effectiveness. They refine the model iteratively using the findings from the evaluation.

9. Testing and Deployment

Lastly, the development team analyzes the model’s performance and effectiveness using the testing dataset, which mimics real-world situations. It is ready for deployment if the model satisfies the desired performance criteria.

10. Ongoing Evaluation and Improvement

In order to react to shifting data patterns, AI models must be continuously monitored and updated. To keep the model accurate and relevant, get user feedback, monitor its performance, and make adjustments as necessary.

Considerations to Make During AI Model Development for Enterprise

AI model development for enterprises demands careful consideration to ensure success. From data quality to ethical considerations, many factors influence the AI model development life cycle. Here are some factors enterprises should consider while navigating the complex landscape of the AI model development process effectively.

Data Security and Privacy

Sensitive information is frequently present in enterprise data. Ensure to include strong data privacy and security safeguards to protect sensitive data throughout the development of AI models.

Structure and Scalability

Enterprise AI models require a lot of computing power. To properly manage the training and deployment processes, invest in scalable infrastructure. Scalability and flexibility are features of cloud-based technologies like AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Transparent Data Handling

Address AI-related ethical issues like prejudice, fairness, and transparency. Adopt methods to reduce bias in training data and decision-making procedures, fostering the use of AI in an ethical and responsible manner.

Regulatory Compliance

Different regulations apply to different industries. Ensure your AI model conforms to applicable industry standards and data protection laws like GDPR and HIPAA.

Generative AI

The development of generative AI has become an important trend as AI technology progresses. ChatGPT is one example of a generative AI model that can produce text, graphics, and even code. This movement opens up new opportunities for inventive problem-solving, automation, and creating unique content within businesses.

Build an AI-based healthcare app like YouCOMM

Build Intelligent AI Model Development Solutions With Appinventiv

It takes meticulous planning and execution to create a solid enterprise AI solution, which is quite a complex task. Key pillars like data quality, sizable datasets, and a well-organized data pipeline contribute to the success of your AI-based intelligent model development project. The expertise of Appinventiv in intelligent AI model development services emphasizes how crucial it is to develop a data-driven culture, define business objectives, curate data, and use the right AI technology.

Businesses that adhere to these principles are better able to use AI’s transformative power to boost productivity, encourage corporate growth, and stay at the edge of innovation. Working with a globally renowned artificial intelligence development company like Appinventiv can help you realize your goals and fully leverage AI capabilities for your business.

Our experts at Appinventiv offer seamless Generative AI Development Services tailored specifically to your business objectives. Get in touch with our AI experts today to build an AI model for your enterprise that promotes growth, innovation, and efficiency.


Q. What is the impact of AI on enterprises?

A. The impact of AI on enterprises is wide-ranging and significant:

Enhanced Customer Experience: Personalized interactions made possible by AI improve customers’ experiences by way of individualized recommendations and effective customer support.

Increased Productivity: AI automates monotonous processes, streamlining operations and freeing up human resources for strategic actions.

Making Informed Decisions: AI analyzes enormous data sets to provide insights that help people make precise, data-driven decisions about many different business-related issues.

Predictive Analytics: AI can identify trends and use that information to better allocate resources, manage inventories, and plan ahead.

Innovation: As a result of patterns and opportunities that AI identifies, new strategies, products, and services are created.

Q. How does an intelligent AI model work for enterprises?

A. An intelligent AI model for enterprises analyzes various data sets using cutting-edge algorithms and machine learning. It learns from historical data trends, correlations, and insights throughout training. After training, it incorporates into business operations, automating processes, forecasting results, and making data-driven suggestions. By ensuring accuracy and relevance through ongoing monitoring and feedback, numerous enterprise areas can benefit from wiser decisions, improved processes, and innovation.

Q. How to build an AI model?

A. Follow these steps in order to create an AI model:

  1. Define the problem
  2. Gather and preprocess data
  3. Select the appropriate algorithm
  4. Train the model
  5. Evaluate and fine-tune the model
  6. Test the model
  7. Deploy the model
  8. Monitor and maintain the mode
Sudeep Srivastava
Co-Founder and Director
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