How Much Does it Cost to Develop a Language Learning app like Babbel

Dileep Gupta July 4, 2023
cost to develop language learning app like Babbel

According to a report, the global language learning market is expected to be $80 billion by 2028. The immense potential of the language learning app market serves as a bright opportunity for global entrepreneurs who want a piece of this pie. Babbel is one of the more popular language-learning apps in the market today. Building an app like Babbel involves meticulous planning, development expertise, and a vision for success.

In this blog, we will delve into the world of language learning app development, exploring the costs and possibilities. The cost to develop a language learning app like Babbel depends on various factors such as features, design, and technology used and will mostly be in the range of $30,000-$200,000. By understanding the process and requirements involved, you can lay the foundation for creating an exceptional language-learning app tailored to the needs of your audience.

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Why Is Babbel So Successful, and What’s the Business Potential of Apps Like Babbel?

The market for language learning apps is growing rapidly. This growth is driven by several factors, including the increasing demand for English language skills in the workplace, the growing popularity of travel and tourism, and the increasing interest in learning other languages for personal and professional enrichment.

Babbel has recorded $275 million in revenue in 2022. The success of Babbel and other language-learning apps shows that there is strong business potential for these apps.

Monetization strategies you can use for an app like Babbel

Before you start building an app like Babbel, planning how you will make money from such apps is necessary. Here are a few monetization strategies for a language-learning app like Babbel:

Ways to monetize your language learning app

  1. Freemium Model: One can offer free basic language lessons and features to attract a wide user base. Provide additional premium content, advanced courses, and exclusive features through a subscription-based model, enticing users to upgrade and access more comprehensive language learning resources.
  2. In-App Purchases: Users can purchase additional language packs, specialized courses, or supplementary learning materials within the app. This allows learners to customize their language learning experience and access content tailored to their specific needs.
  3. Enterprise Subscriptions: Establish partnerships with language institutes, universities, or corporate clients to offer enterprise subscriptions. This can include bulk licensing agreements, tailored learning solutions for organizations or partnerships with educational institutions to integrate the app into their language programs.
  4. Integrated Advertising: Explore opportunities for targeted advertising within the app. Collaborate with relevant brands or language-related products and services to display contextually relevant ads to users. This can provide an additional revenue stream while maintaining a user-friendly experience.

Monetizing a language learning app like Babbel requires careful consideration of various strategies. It’s important to strike a balance between user satisfaction and financial sustainability, ensuring that your app remains accessible, engaging, and profitable in the competitive language learning market.

Key Factors Affecting Development Costs

A language learning app banks on various features and functionalities that unlock the students’ learning outcomes. These features collectively, along with the complexity of the app, determine the cost to develop a language-learning app like Babbel, which will be in the range of $30,000-$200,000.

Factors that impact the cost of a language learning app

The following are the key factors affecting the language-learning app development cost.

Platform compatibility and target devices

When developing a language learning app like Babbel, the key factors that significantly impact the development costs are platform compatibility and target devices. It is important to determine the platforms on which the app will be available, such as iOS, Android, or both. Each platform has its own development requirements, and ensuring compatibility across multiple platforms can increase the development costs of an educational app.

For example, if you aim to make a platform like Babbel available on both iOS and Android, the development team will need to allocate resources to develop and test the app separately for each platform. This involves coding and optimizing the app’s features, functionalities, and user interface to suit the specifications of each platform.

Moreover, considering the target devices is crucial to optimize the user experience. Learners from developing nations may predominantly use smartphones or tablets, so it is essential to ensure that the app is optimized for different screen sizes, resolutions, and functionalities and if functional cross-platform. This requires additional effort from the development team to adapt the app’s design and interface to suit various devices, resulting in increased development costs.

However, it is important to note that accommodating multiple platforms and devices may require more resources and time, thereby impacting the overall cost of developing a language-learning app like Babbel.

User interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design

Another crucial factor that affects the development costs of a language learning app like Babbel is the design of the app. The UI and UX design play a vital role in creating an engaging and intuitive learning environment for users.

For instance, to build an app like Babbel and make it successful, the UI design should be visually appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly. This involves a careful selection of colors, typography, and layout to create a visually appealing interface that resonates with the learners. The UX design can enhance user engagement and satisfaction in the language learning app development process by ensuring smooth navigation, clear instructions, and interactive elements.

Skilled designers and user experience specialists are needed to create wireframes, design mockups, and iterate on the app’s visual elements based on user feedback. This can increase the cost of developing a language-learning app like Babbel.

Considering the language learning app development process, investing in a well-designed UI and UX can significantly impact the success and adoption of your app. However, it is important to balance the level of sophistication and the associated costs, ensuring that the design aligns with the preferences and expectations of your audience while also considering the overall cost of building an app similar to Babbel.

Localization and Multilingual Support

When going for language learning app development, one must consider localization and multilingual support. Multilingual support is the ability to support multiple languages in a single product or service. This can be done by translating the content into multiple languages or by providing a user interface that allows users to select their preferred language.

Localization and multilingual support are both important factors that can affect the cost of language learning app development. The number of languages that the app will support will have a significant impact on the development costs. Additionally, the complexity of the localization process will also affect the costs. For example, apps that need to support right-to-left languages (such as Arabic or Hebrew) will be more expensive to localize than apps that only support left-to-right languages (such as English or Spanish).

However, implementing localization and multilingual support requires additional language learning app development efforts, including content translation, cultural adaptation, and user interface adjustments. While it may increase the development cost, it significantly enhances user engagement and provides a personalized experience.

Integration with External Services

Integrating external services into a language learning app can greatly expand its capabilities and user experience. For instance, incorporating payment gateways enables users to make in-app purchases for premium features or subscriptions. Integration with social media platforms allows users to share their progress and achievements with friends, fostering a sense of community.

Additionally, integrating third-party APIs for services like speech recognition or machine translation enhances the app’s functionality. However, integrating these external services requires additional language learning app development efforts, including API integration, security measures, and compatibility testing. While it may impact the cost of developing a language learning app like Babbel, it adds value and enriches the overall user experience.

Backend development and database integration

When determining the language learning app development costs, one key factor to consider is the backend development and database integration.

To develop a language learning app like Babbel, you need to build a robust backend infrastructure that can handle user data, progress tracking, and content delivery. This involves designing and implementing efficient databases and APIs to ensure smooth communication between the app’s front end and the server.

For example, if you want to create an app similar to Babbel with features such as personalized recommendations, progress tracking, and collaborative learning, you need a well-structured database to store user profiles, learning materials, and progress data. The backend should be capable of handling concurrent user requests and delivering content seamlessly to users across different devices.

Database integration plays a crucial role in language learning app development as it affects the app’s performance and scalability. Choosing the right database technology and optimizing database queries are essential for efficient data retrieval and storage. Depending on your app’s requirements and anticipated user base, you may opt for SQL or NoSQL databases.

Moreover, custom language learning apps may require additional backend functionalities, such as integration with third-party services, payment gateways, and social media platforms. Each integration adds complexity to the backend development and increases the overall cost of developing a language-learning app like Babbel.

Testing, Maintenance and update costs

Language learning app development involves several stages, and one critical factor that affects the overall development cost is testing and quality assurance. When creating an app like Babbel, it is essential to implement a robust testing process to ensure its functionality and reliability. Thorough testing helps identify and address any bugs, glitches, or usability issues, guaranteeing a smooth user experience. By conducting multiple rounds of testing during the language learning app development process, you can optimize the app’s performance and eliminate potential issues.

Another significant factor impacting the development cost of a language learning app is maintenance and updates. Once the app is launched, regular maintenance is crucial to ensure its smooth operation and user satisfaction. This includes addressing bug fixes, implementing security patches, and optimizing performance. Additionally, continuous updates are essential to introduce new features, enhance existing functionalities, and incorporate user feedback. By actively maintaining and updating the app, you can keep it relevant, competitive, and aligned with the evolving needs of your audience.

The kind of features you want in the app

The cost to develop a language learning app like Babbel is also influenced by the kind of features you want to incorporate into the app. The feature set plays a significant role in determining the complexity and development effort required.

For example, if you aim to provide interactive lessons with speech recognition capabilities, gamification elements, and virtual immersion experiences, the development team will need to invest more time and resources in integrating these features into the app. These features require advanced technologies such as natural language processing, machine learning, and augmented reality.

Additionally, features like adaptive learning algorithms, personalized recommendations, and progress-tracking systems involve sophisticated algorithms and data analysis. Implementing these features requires expertise in data science and AI, which can contribute to the development cost of a language learning app like Babbel.

Furthermore, developing a custom language learning app may require unique features tailored to specific user needs or target languages. Building custom features from scratch adds complexity and development time, which impacts the overall cost.

Conducting thorough market research and user surveys can help identify the most desired features for your target audience. Appinventiv, with its innovative education app development services, will help you develop your language learning app in the most cost-effective manner.

Must-Have Features in an App Like Babbel

When you want to make a platform like Babbel, you must understand the must-have features in your app that will make it stand out from the competition. Here are a few key features that you can think of including in your app, like Babbel.

Features to include in your language learning app

AI-powered chatbot

Your language learning app like Babbel should include an AI-powered chatbot that provides personalized language learning assistance, allowing users to practice conversations and receive real-time feedback.

Virtual immersion

Virtual immersion using AR/VR technologies can become one of the stand-out features of your language learning app. To enhance the learning experience, an app similar to Babbel should offer virtual immersion through interactive exercises, dialogues, and simulations, enabling users to immerse themselves in a language-rich environment.

Progress tracking

With Babbel app features like progress tracking, the users can monitor their language learning journey, set goals, and track their achievements, providing a sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue learning.

Adaptive learning

An essential feature of a language learning app is adaptive learning, where the app adjusts the content and difficulty level based on the user’s progress, ensuring personalized and efficient learning paths.

Speech recognition

Speech recognition technology allows users to practice pronunciation and speaking skills by comparing their speech with native speakers, promoting accurate language acquisition.

Gamification elements

To make language learning engaging and fun, incorporating gamification elements like badges, rewards, and challenges stimulates user motivation and encourages regular usage.

Multilingual interface

Providing a multilingual interface allows users to navigate and access content in their preferred language, catering to a diverse audience and enhancing user accessibility.

Offline mode

Enabling an offline mode allows users to download lessons and learn without an internet connection, which is particularly beneficial for users in regions with limited connectivity.

Personalized recommendations

A key feature in an app like Babbel is personalized recommendations, where the app suggests relevant lessons, topics, and exercises based on the user’s preferences and learning goals, creating a tailored learning experience.


These language learning app features are essential to deliver a comprehensive and effective language learning experience. While the development cost of a language learning app like Babbel may vary based on the complexity and scope of these features, they play a crucial role in attracting and retaining users, making it a worthwhile investment.

Also read: How much does it cost to develop an app like Duolingo

App Development Process for Building an App Like Babbel

Here is a brief overview of the language learning app development process.

Define target audience and user needs

Begin by defining the target audience for the language learning app, focusing on your target audience and their specific language learning requirements. Understanding their needs will help tailor the app’s features and content accordingly.

Design the user experience (UX) and create mockups

Design the UX of the app with an intuitive interface, visually appealing elements, and seamless navigation. Create mockups that showcase the app’s layout, features, and overall user flow, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Choose the appropriate technology stack

Select the technology stack that best suits the app’s requirements, considering factors like scalability, security, and platform compatibility. Utilize the latest frameworks and programming languages to develop a robust and efficient app.

Implement key features

Incorporate essential features like lesson modules, language exercises, vocabulary builders, and progress tracking. These features ensure an interactive and comprehensive learning experience for users.

Integrate external services

Integrate external services like speech recognition APIs, translation services, or content libraries to enhance the app’s functionality and provide users with additional language learning resources.

Test and debug the app across devices and platforms

Thoroughly test the app on various devices and platforms, ensuring compatibility, performance, and bug-free functionality. Address any issues or inconsistencies that arise during testing.

Deploy the app on the app store

Prepare the app for launch by adhering to the app store guidelines and following the necessary submission process. Optimize the app’s metadata, screenshots, and descriptions to attract potential users.

Gather user feedback and make updates accordingly

Encourage users to provide feedback and reviews to gather insights into their experience. Continuously analyze user feedback and make updates to address any shortcomings, improve features, and enhance overall user satisfaction.

Considering the complexities involved in the development process and the desired language-learning app features, the development cost of a language-learning app like Babbel may vary based on the scope and scale of the project.

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Why Choose Appinventiv?

When considering the development of a language learning app like Babbel, it’s crucial to choose the right development partner. Appinventiv is an award-winning education app development company and is the ideal choice for several reasons. Appinventiv has extensive experience in language learning app development, ensuring a deep understanding of the unique requirements and challenges involved in creating an app like Babbel.

Moreover, Appinventiv offers competitive pricing for app development. With a focus on delivering high-quality solutions at affordable rates, they provide transparency in language learning app development costs, enabling you to plan your budget effectively.

Also, Appinventiv’s team of skilled developers and designers is proficient in creating engaging and intuitive user experiences tailored to the unique requirements of your target audience. We research the cultural nuances and preferences of the target market, ensuring the app resonates with the users. Our team also has wide experience in developing educational apps. For instance, Appinventiv takes pride in its successful partnership with Nova, a groundbreaking blockchain-powered Learning Management System (LMS) that is revolutionizing the education sector.

By choosing Appinventiv, you gain a reliable partner that is committed to delivering a top-notch language learning app within your budget.


Q. How to build a language-learning app like Babbel?

A. To build a language learning app like Babbel, you need to define your target audience, design engaging user interfaces, implement key features, integrate language learning resources, and ensure compatibility across devices and platforms.

Q. How much does the Babbel language learning app cost?

A. The cost of developing a language learning app like Babbel can range from $30,000 to $300,000 USD, depending on various factors such as the complexity of features, development team size, platform compatibility, and desired user experience.

Q. How long does it take to develop a language-learning app like Babbel?

A. The development timeline for a language learning app like Babbel can vary based on the project’s scope and requirements. On average, it can take approximately 4 to 15 months to develop a well-functioning and polished language-learning app.

Dileep Gupta
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