How to Build a Transportation App Like Moovit?

Sudeep Srivastava September 28, 2023
app like Moovit

Do you work in the logistics or freight forwarding industries? If so, you must be aware of the hassle associated with coordinating vendors, shippers, producers, and consumers. In the past, this industry has faced a variety of problems, including unreasonable intrusion, documentation, time wastage, delivery verification, and others. This spurred the creation of transportation apps, which is a milestone.

There is no doubt that logistics and transportation operations are widespread and have a significant economic impact. However, using the conventional business methods has fallen out of favor, whether it’s for managing inventories or sending packages to clients. By the end of 2022, it is predicted that the global logistics operations market will be worth $12,256 billion.  Consequently, it presents a chance for transportation businesses to create a mobile application.

All you need to do to streamline your logistics and transportation firm is to integrate it with transport management software.

By enhancing supply lines, vehicle maintenance, cargo dispatch, and shipments, developing a transportation app for logistics management will enable seamless movement. Now that we have established the primary reason why you would require a transportation app, let us learn how to create one. 

The popularity of the Moovit transportation app has increased. Why? This is because it is easy to use, quick to accomplish, convenient, reasonably priced, and comfortable for use while traveling. Thus it might be a viable option to have a transportation app like Moovit for your own logistics company. Let us take a deeper look into this.

Why use an app like Moovit for your transportation business?

Benefits of having a mobile app for transport & logistics companies

Moovit is an Israel-based Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) company that offers users transit services. Real-time arrival information, real-time navigation, service notifications, step-by-step explanations, and many other elements make it special. 

Additionally, the software includes screen-reading skills and great features for blind or disabled users. Moovit app is the ultimate travel companion available in more than 100 cities worldwide, thanks to its interactive version, route consultant, real-time traffic updates, and user-submitted information. 

Building an app like Moovit for your transportation company offers several benefits, which are listed below: 

Information in real time

With the use of real-time data, the transportation management system may effectively manage every operation with mobile apps. It is regarded as the best resource for enhancing decision-making and creating reliable reports on the encounters of the customers. Throughout the entire shipment, the mobile application enables faultless performance and quicker delivery.

Monitor drivers and vehicles

The logistics firms may follow the vehicles, operators, or freight via a smartphone app. Distance by distance tracking of the package is simple. The app includes the operator description or shipment details with a maintained track record, such as identity, date and time, registration number, date of expiry, and other legal considerations, so logistics organizations can manage and report the driver’s efficiency on each task assigned.

Automating paperwork

You may automate all the paperwork and go paperless by having a mobile application for your transportation business, which is another great benefit. You may do away with tedious documentation because the mobile app makes it possible to acquire data. Instead, using a mobile app to measure your data can be helpful. For the logistic firm, automating the paperwork operations might result in a perfect workflow and time savings.

Successful inventory management

global logistics industry stats

According to Statista, the logistics sector is expected to generate more than 6.8 billion euros in revenue by 2024. Thus, by using mobile app development services, logistics and transportation businesses may handle inventories smoothly and incorporate new systems that are error-free. Companies can incorporate features specific to their sector to get rid of any potential mistakes made by human processes.

The logging processes, product numbers, location-based object detection, storing, and other processes can all be streamlined using mobile apps. It can assist the facility manager in updating the transaction made using a mobile application and the data available in the existing dataset.

[Also Read: A Smart Decision Making with the Inventory Management App for Your Business]

Performance tracking

Managers must keep an eye on the condition and visibility of the commodities in order to enhance performance. Logistics organizations can make plans to close gaps in performance if any errors arise during the delivery process. It might enable the business to anticipate a specific issue and take a data-driven response to improve its flexibility.

An improved delivery method

Flexibility promotes possibilities to improve the logistics company’s reputation with customers and aids in brand loyalty. Depending on the client’s availability, logistics providers can alter delivery dates and itineraries, giving the business increased functionality.

Minimize expenses and saves time

Instead of spending hours on documentation, you can easily convert your company to a digital platform. You may also cut your fuel costs by planning your pathways for speedy delivery. A mobile application streamlines core processes and makes it possible for the firm to run more effectively, lowering operating expenses and eventually boosting your logistical business’s profitability.

Customer service

The mobile application’s ability to improve customer care is another important benefit. Additionally, it might boost customer satisfaction and aid in customer engagement. Customers may track their shipments, organize transportation, manage their inventories, and provide feedback with the aid of a personalized mobile app. Mobile apps are cutting-edge strategies for boosting brand loyalty and managing real-time data.

The ideal course for the most recent delivery method is to use a mobile app for your logistics business. It allows for effective management, faster service, and interactive automated operations.

Key Features of a Transportation App

Key Features of a Transportation App

Customers and drivers are the two main parties that the application software for the transportation and logistics sector mostly deals with. For the transportation sector to function successfully, both parties are accountable. The various features must be created and developed in accordance with the task given to each party.

The transportation and logistics company itself must oversee and supervise operations because this is what an operator is for. Therefore, three panels are needed to construct a transportation and logistics app. Listed below are some of the features implemented in each of the panels:

1. Admin panel

Managerial portal

A managerial portal or dashboard is a screen that an admin can use to maintain close track of different activities. The admin doesn’t pay attention to the management as a whole. They may view the purchases that have been processed, sent out, and delivered. With the use of satellite navigation, the administrator may also monitor the vehicle and operators at any time.

Fleet management

It is one of the essential components of developing a transportation app. The fleet’s location can be tracked in real-time by administrators. They can quickly communicate with the drivers using mobile applications and direct them along the shortest routes available.

GPS and directions

Drivers can benefit from GPS tracking features by seeing potential pathways and traffic updates. Customers can also view ETA updates in real-time. It aids in fleet movement tracking, mapping, and surveillance. In a world that is evolving quickly, transportation has taken on a crucial role. GPS devices can draw in more customers, and the creation of transportation software makes user logistical planning easier.

Driver’s administration

The bulk of employees in the logistics industry is drivers. By compiling data from their workers, administrators control driver identities. Names, contact details, residence, registration number, allocated vehicle, etc., are among the data. In addition, the same interface can be used to assign vehicles or modify salaries.

Chat capabilities

Admins can frequently communicate with their clients and drivers. The chat function would resolve a problem in real-time if the customer or driver was encountering one.

In-app notifications

Over 90% of push alerts are viewed, which is higher than email viewing rates. Users can access actual updates for things like traffic congestion, unforeseen events, accidents, and new development. Integrating push notification feature enables you to interact with your customers more effectively, allowing them to further arrange their schedules.

Regular updates are available to customers about their shipments in transit. Bills, delivery information and updates, and courier credentials can also be sent. It offers significant information for consumers and allows you to create a brand memory for users online, which results in a marketing strategy.

Offline routes and schedules

For all habitual commuters who adhere to a set route, places, and stations, the development of transportation apps is seen as a delight. They can use the offline display of schedules and routes to make offline travel arrangements.

Harness the technological expertise of Appinventiv to create a robust transportation app.

2. Customer panel

Sign up

Easy and quick registration is required to use the app. Incorporating social media platforms help draw in new customers and saves a lot of time. The administrator of the application would be able to retrieve the identity, email, and social network account information of users through this.

Alert users

The user will receive alerts for scheduling, receiving receipts, shipping orders, and delivery at various intervals. The updated status of the driver and vehicle can be sent using this functionality.

Gateway for payments

This function encourages payment through the app by doing away with the nuisance of carrying currency. It enables users to pay with debit and credit cards, digital wallets, Google wallets, and other means.


With the order tracking function, the consumers feel confident and safe. It strengthens the connection between the participants and promotes consumer loyalty. The customer can also get a view of the driver’s whereabouts and estimated delivery time through on-time tracking.

Recommendations and feedback

The logistics and transportation sector benefits from the feedback option. Consumers’ opinions and recommendations for change can evolve a basic app into the finest one for transportation.

3. Driver panel


The driver enrollment feature is vital. The drivers are required to register via social sites, mobile, or email.

Driver’s profile

The driver’s profile can be uploaded by the administrator, and the driver’s panel also has a provision. He or she may also directly add or change their details in the app. The data is kept in the database of the application.

Delivery of products window

The newly assigned products will be shown along with the delivery address, client details, and contact info. On the dashboard, the drivers can access a list of current and upcoming shipments along with additional information. This will enable them to promptly ship the order and schedule their transportation.

Delivery verification

Since former delivery men were held accountable in the event that a product was stolen, transportation apps have made the driver’s work simpler and risk-free. Now the drivers can snap a picture, get a sign, or scan a code as a proof of delivery. The information will be automatically stored in the app’s database.

Push notifications

Customers can use text alerts to learn about their orders’ shipment or in-transit status, while drivers can use them to learn about allocated orders, modifications to scheduled orders, and notes from consumers or management. There is no need to open an application because the notification panel itself alerts the driver to any important information.

A company that develops transportation and logistics applications offers flexible solutions to increase the reach of customers and geographic locations. To give your future ventures a powerful boost, it is important to invest in the creation of transport apps and stay current on advancements in technology. Keeping this in mind, in the next section, we will discuss the key steps involved in building a transportation app. 

[Also Read: How to get investors for your logistics startup?]

The crucial steps in building a transportation app

steps in building a transportation app

When building a transportation app, it is crucial to adhere to the appropriate stages. The following section lists the five steps you must follow in order to create a unique transportation app.

Step 1: Choose your goals

Determining the purpose of your application is the first step when planning to build a transportation app. A transportation app could be created for one of the two motives. Either you want to develop it for your own business so that you can follow the vehicle and the operator and let clients know where their shipment is, or you want to sell it to other logistics services to generate profits.

Step 2: Discover the target audience

Once you know who the target market is, you may approach a provider that creates mobile apps for transportation. Your efforts can be in vain if you don’t know who your demographic is.

Step 3: Compile a list of key features

The admin panel, customer panel, and driver panel are three essential features of the transportation application. Fleet, driver, transaction, billing, and stock management are all included in the admin dashboard. There may be tools for scheduling a vehicle or scheduling tools in the user panel. Functions on the driver panel may include GPS, order confirmation information, and many others.

Step 4: A suitable technological stack

You must take the technological stack into account while developing a transportation app. Carefully choosing the tools as per your requirements is crucial. Choose the operating system (Windows, Android, iOS). 

While deciding on the tech stack, decide on the type of app you would like to use (Native, Hybrid, or web) and whether it is to be hosted on the cloud on the local server.  Tabled below are some of the popular options that can be used, however, it broadly depends on the type of customized solution you are looking for.

NotificationsTwillo /
FrontendJavaScript / HTML / CSS
BackendNode.js / Ruby / Python
Mobile AppReact Native / Flutter
BackendNode.js / Ruby / Python
Payment GatewayStripe / Paypal / other popular EWallets
DatabasesMEAN / LAMP / MEVN
Cloud PlatformAzure / AWS / Google
Real-time analyticsBigData / Spark

Step 5: Finding a reliable tech partner

Acquiring a solid transportation application development company is also crucial for the building of a great application. Looking at expertise, previous performance, and recommendations will help you choose a trustworthy business from a large pool of competitors.

Appinventiv created Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and data analytics solution for global manufacturing company

Cost of developing a mobile app for logistics and transportation

When building a transportation app for your company, you should ignore marketing techniques that claim to empower you to build an app for hundreds and thousands of dollars.  In reality, without understanding exactly what you are thinking of developing and what kind of app you require, it would be incorrect to estimate the cost of developing apps.

But it’s also not difficult to estimate how much an app will cost to produce. All you have to do is understand the factors that influence transportation app development costs. Therefore, you must keep these few factors in mind while calculating the price of developing the app.

  • Choosing an operating system: Native for both iOS and Android or cross-platform
  • The layout of an application’s complexity: Basic, trendy, or advanced
  • Features and capabilities
  • UI/UX design and app testing
  • Application development costs per hour

The average cost for developing a straightforward logistics and transportation app range from $25,000 to $40,000 to as much as $100,000 to $150,000, based on the needs of the business.

It is always worthwhile to discuss the business concept with specialists by scheduling a free consultation appointment in order to reach a fair judgment.

[Also Read: How Much Does On-demand Logistics App Development Costs?]

How can Appinventiv’s transport and logistics software development services help your business?

If your company is in the transportation industry, you need automated logistics software development services that can meet all of your operating requirements. Appinventiv offers comprehensive software application development for optimizing your internal and external delivery system in the logistics sector. We provide services such as:

  • Software development for freight logistics management
  • Software development for fleet management
  • Telematics software portfolio management software development
  • Development of shipping and logistics management software and transportation software

With solutions like logistics management solutions, transport management software, database management, and more, our goal is to improve the overall customer experience while helping your business develop sustainably.

Our team recently created a new data-driven logistics and supply chain management system for our client company, a heavy equipment manufacturer, using AI-powered robotics and predictive analysis

Our solution helped the company to be more responsive to its customers’ needs. Moreover, the process automation solution allowed the supply chain business to focus on other challenges, thus improving productivity and efficiency. Results? There has been a 60% increase in supply chain visibility and a 40% reduction in transportation and logistics costs. 

In case you are also looking for something similar, contact our experts today. They will guide you through the entire process and make the app development journey easier for you.  

Bottom Line

With the advancement of technology, the logistics and transportation industry can undergo a profound shift. Making the choice to build a logistics and transportation application for your company will be profitable because it will enable you to manage vehicles, paperwork, and complex procedures. 

To make a transport application solution function, you may employ a mobile app development company as an expert who will aid you in merging functionality and features in line with the industry and user’s requirements. The creation of an on-demand logistics application for your company is now essential because the transportation industry is currently undergoing massive growth.


Q. How to develop a transportation app?

A. The following are the steps to consider for transportation mobile app development

  • Project planning
  • Creating a list of your needs
  • Identifying the target demographic
  • An appropriate technology architecture
  • Design for UI UX
  • Finding a trustworthy technology partner

Q. How much does a logistics app cost?

A. The cost of developing a logistics app varies depending on a number of price-influencing variables. The general method is rather simple: Depending on the type of logistics and distribution you choose and your specific needs, you should figure out the number of hours required to implement the solution. The time amount should then be multiplied by the hourly rates of the team members that are absolutely essential.

Q. What are the key features of a transportation services app?

A. The key features of a transportation services app are:

  • Integrate GPS tracking for real-time arrivals
  • Guidance with a map and navigation for directions.
  • View offline routes and schedules.
  • Push notifications for unforeseen failures

Q. Why does a transportation business need an application?

A. The capacity to give real-time information on traffic status, efficiency, supplies, employees, etc., during the process of transporting is one of the major contributing factors to the strong demand for mobile apps in transportation and logistics companies.

Sudeep Srivastava
Co-Founder and Director
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