How Much Does It Cost to Build a Telehealth App Like Teladoc?

Dileep Gupta April 12, 2024
Teladoc app development cost

Telehealth applications have become the need of the hour, providing convenient access to healthcare services remotely and allowing users to consult with healthcare professionals effectively. Telehealth apps like Teladoc facilitate virtual appointments, prescription refills, and medical advice, ensuring timely healthcare assistance regardless of geographical constraints.

With features like secure messaging and video consultations, telehealth apps promote efficient communication between patients and healthcare providers, fostering improved healthcare outcomes. In the past few years, the global demand for telehealth applications has witnessed an unprecedented surge due to technological innovation, high-speed internet, and remote healthcare access.

As per a Grand View Research report, the telehealth market size in the United States is expected to reach $150.1 billion in 2030, with projections indicating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22.9% from 2023 to 2030.

Simply put, telehealth applications have transformed healthcare delivery, offering users unparalleled convenience and accessibility in managing prescriptions, monitoring health, and consulting doctors. Among these innovations, dedicated platforms like Teladoc stand out for their comprehensive features and seamless user experience. However, as the demand for telehealth services continues to grow, many wonder about the cost to develop an app like Teladoc.

The development of a telehealth mobile app like Teladoc is a strategic and calculative approach that necessitates market research, planning, technological investment, and more. Typically, the overall development cost varies from $40,000 to $300,000, meeting businesses’ expectations.

This blog will assist you in comprehending the Teladoc app development cost, the key factors affecting the development budget, and other valuable aspects that telehealth businesses require. Let’s begin!

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Teladoc in a Nutshell: Redefining Telemedicine

Teladoc is a well-known telehealth application that bridges the gap between healthcare providers and patients. Established in 2022 in the US, the app stands out as an excellent option for individuals seeking accessible and convenient healthcare solutions.

In the third quarter of 2023, Teladoc experienced a significant 8% increase in revenue, reaching an impressive $660 million. This growth was fueled by the company’s robust performance in chronic condition management and steady membership expansion, with a total user base now standing at 90 million.

The brand’s solid financial standing empowers it to continue investing in cutting-edge innovations like artificial intelligence and machine learning. These technologies are poised to revolutionize healthcare delivery and improve patient outcomes.

Businesses should comprehend the significance of Teladoc’s consistent revenue growth, which reflects its strong market presence and commitment to advancing healthcare through technological innovation. This success highlights the growing demand for telehealth solutions and underscores the opportunity for businesses to invest in similar apps. Thus, now is the right time to capitalize on the momentum of telehealth and develop innovative solutions like Teladoc to meet the evolving needs of healthcare consumers.

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Telehealth App Like Teladoc?

Businesses often encounter cost-related challenges in the development of telehealth mobile apps. The cost to develop an app like Teladoc depends upon various factors, such as the intricacies of the features, technological innovation, UI UX design, the location of the hired team, etc. As highlighted above, a rough estimate for developing a custom telehealth app typically ranges between $40,000 and $300,000.

Type of ApplicationCost EstimationTime Duration
Basic$40,000 to $60,0002-3 months
Intermediate$60,000 to $90,0003-6 months
Advanced$90,000 to $300,0009+ months

Let’s explore the various factors contributing to the teladoc-like app development cost!

Factors Influencing the Cost to Develop an App Like Teladoc

Multiple key factors come together to develop an app like Teladoc. Each factor significantly enhances the overall functionality and user experience of the telehealth platform, ultimately contributing to the Teladoc app development cost.

 Factors Impacting Teladoc-Like App Development Costs

App Complexity

App complexity illustrates functionality, desired features, and the integration of cutting-edge technologies, such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, etc. Apps with extensive features like video consultations, secure messaging, and electronic health record (EHR) integration require more time and resources to develop; consequently, this approach impacts the cost of developing an app like Teladoc.

Design Requirements

In order to build an app like Teladoc, it is essential for businesses to concentrate on design requirements. It plays a significant role in elevating user engagement, satisfaction, and overall usability. Top-notch design elements like seamless navigation, user interface, and aesthetic layouts necessitate a strategic approach and proficient designers, resulting in a high cost to develop a telehealth app.

Transforming Healthe People's UI/UX Strategy: Our Collaborative Journey

Development Team Location

The location of the development team significantly impacts telehealth app development costs, with regions with higher labor costs typically charging more for their services. Therefore, carefully considering the cost-effectiveness of different locations is crucial to managing overall development costs.

Here are the average hourly rates of developers in various regions:

RegionHourly Rates of Development
Western Europe$80-$90
Eastern Europe$50-$55

Development Team’s Expertise

The expertise of the development team significantly impacts the cost of telehealth app development. A highly skilled team, well-versed in healthcare app development, can seamlessly integrate complex features, ensuring efficient development and top-notch outcomes. While the investment in such professionals may be higher, it reflects the value of their expertise and the promise of delivering a robust and dependable telehealth solution.

App Development TeamHourly Rates (Approx)
Project Manager$25 to $30
Tech Lead (Backend / Frontend)$28 to $30
Sr. Mobile App Developer$25 to $30
Sr. Web & Backend Developer$24 to $30
DevOps$25 to $30
Business Analyst$20 to $25
UX/UI$20 to $25
QA$20 to $25

Third-Party Integrations

Telehealth apps often rely on integrating third-party services and technologies, such as electronic health records (EHR) systems, payment gateways, and communication tools. Integrating these external services requires additional development effort, as well as potential licensing fees or subscription costs. Careful consideration of third-party integrations’ necessity and cost implications is essential for optimizing development costs without compromising functionality.

Compliance and Security Standards

Compliance and security standards are some of the most valuable aspects of teladoc app development cost. Telehealth apps must meet stringent regulatory and security standards to protect patient data and comply with healthcare regulations like HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act). Implementing robust data encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, and stringent access controls adds complexity to the development process and increases costs.

App Platform

The platform choice, whether iOS, Android, or both, significantly impacts the cost to develop an app like Teladoc. Developing for multiple platforms increases resource and time requirements, leading to higher expenses. Additionally, ensuring compatibility and optimization for each platform adds complexity and may necessitate additional investment.

Tech Stack

The technology stack selection for app development influences costs. Opting for cutting-edge technologies or integrating advanced features such as AI-driven symptom checkers or real-time video conferencing capabilities may demand specialized expertise and raise development expenses.

Quality Assurance

Implementing comprehensive quality assurance processes is valuable for ensuring the reliability and performance of the app. Rigorous testing across various devices, platforms, and scenarios helps detect and address issues early, minimizing the risk of costly rework or post-launch bug fixes. However, robust quality assurance measures require additional resources and may contribute to higher development costs.


Include ongoing maintenance expenses when estimating the budget for an app like Teladoc. Regular updates, bug fixes, security patches, and feature enhancements are necessary for maintaining competitiveness and compliance with evolving industry standards. Additionally, providing customer support and addressing user feedback demand ongoing investment in resources and infrastructure, which should be factored into the total development costs.

App Features

For businesses, incorporating advanced features such as real-time video consultations, appointment scheduling, and secure messaging into their telehealth app can elevate development costs. While these features enhance user experience, they also increase development complexity, requiring additional resources and time for implementation.

Also Read: Cost to develop a medical networking app like Doximity: Redfining LinkedIn for Doctors

Let’s delve into the valuable features required for a comprehensive telehealth app.

Valuable Telehealth App Features

Features to be integrated during telehealth app development like Teladoc should cater to the distinct needs of both doctors and users. Let’s take a closer look at these impactful telehealth features that contribute to the success of telehealth applications.

Doctor Side Panel

Key Doctor-Side Features for Developing an App Like Teladoc

Patient Profile Management: Patient profile management assists doctors in comprehending a patient profile, illustrating a comprehensive overview of allergies, medical history, and relevant information.

Medication Prescription: The telehealth app allows physicians to prescribe medicine directly through the platform, encouraging effective prescription management and a convenient process.

[Also Read: How Much Does It Cost to Build a Prescription Discount App like GoodRx?]

Patient Engagement Tracking: With the assistance of patient engagement tracking, it is easy for doctors to track patient engagement statistics, delivering valuable insights about how frequently the patient is utilizing the platform.

Appointment Management: Appointment management is immensely beneficial for doctors in discovering upcoming appointments by minimizing scheduling conflicts and promoting effective workflow.

Billing History Overview: Doctors can effortlessly review the billing history of their patients, promoting transparency in financial transactions. This feature facilitates efficient record-keeping and ensures a seamless experience for both healthcare providers and patients in managing billing-related matters.

Access Patient Report: By empowering doctors, this feature allows seamless retrieval of patient reports, diagnostic results, and other essential medical documents.

User Side Panel

Essential User-Side Features for Developing an App Like Teladoc

Customized Preferences Management: A highly adaptable, customized management system empowers users with the flexibility to tailor their telehealth experience precisely to their preferences. From selecting preferred language settings and managing notifications to choosing their trusted healthcare providers, the feature ensures a personalized and seamless journey for every user.

Appointment Request: Appointment features help users conveniently request appointments with healthcare professionals through the app, augmenting accessibility and streamlining the booking process.

Appointment Request

Online Bill Payment: Online bill payment provides users with convenient ways to pay their medical bills without any challenges, displaying seamless and secure payment methods.

Real-Time Updates: Real-time updates aid users in receiving appointment confirmations, notifications, prescriptions, and other valuable healthcare-related information.

Video Consultation Access: The telehealth app enables users to directly join video consultations with healthcare professionals through the platform. This feature provides a convenient and efficient alternative to in-person visits, allowing users to access medical advice and treatment remotely from their preferred location.

How to Develop an App Like Teladoc?

The development of telehealth mobile apps includes a sophisticated methodology, extensive research, and other valuable aspects that allows businesses to build a persuasive and result-driven application. Let’s explore!

 Development Process for Telehealth Applications

Define Goals and Features

Determine the specific healthcare services the app offers, such as mental health support, dermatology consultations, or general medical advice. Identify the target audience based on demographics and geographical location. Highlight unique features, such as an AI-powered symptom checker or medication refill services, to differentiate from competitors like Teladoc app.

Ensure Compliance to Regulations

Ensure compliance with telemedicine regulations, particularly laws like HIPAA in the US, which govern patient privacy and data security. Seek guidance from legal and healthcare professionals to navigate the complex regulatory landscape and mitigate legal risks.

Build a Team

Form a skilled team comprising experts in mobile app development, healthcare, security, and user experience design. Consider outsourcing the whole development or hiring a dedicated development team to ensure comprehensive expertise.

Secure Data and Communication

Emphasize robust data security measures, including encryption protocols, to safeguard patient information against unauthorized access. Implement secure teleconferencing solutions for video consultations, ensuring patient confidentiality.

Design and Develop

Focus on creating a user-friendly interface that simplifies scheduling, communication, and information exchange for both patients and healthcare providers. Integrate seamless payment gateways and electronic health records (EHR) systems to enhance usability and efficiency.

Test and Refine

Conduct comprehensive testing across all aspects of functionality, security, and user experience to identify and address any issues. Incorporate feedback from users to refine the app, ensuring it meets their needs and expectations effectively.


This includes launching the app on various platforms, such as App Store and Google Play store, ensuring its widespread availability to potential users.


Sustaining a telehealth app is vital to ensure its seamless operation and user satisfaction over time. Continuous maintenance involves regularly updating the app with new features, bug fixes, and security patches to address evolving user needs and technological advancements. Consistently monitoring and optimizing the app’s performance enhances user experience and sustains its relevance in the competitive telehealth landscape.

Avail our services to harness the potential of telehealth market.

How to Monetize a Telehealth App Like Teladoc?

Telehealth app development like Teladoc not only provides user benefits but also presents a wide array of monetary advantages. It includes the implementation of different revenue streams, like subscription-based models, pay-per-consultation fees, in-app purchases, etc. Let’s comprehend!

Generating Revenue Through Telehealth App Development

Data Insights

Telehealth apps capitalize on user interaction data and healthcare consultations to gain insights into health trends, treatment effectiveness, and patient demographics. This data-driven approach enables businesses to generate revenue by tailoring offerings, refining marketing strategies, and optimizing processes, ultimately fostering growth and profitability.

Advertising and Sponsorships

Targeted advertising and sponsorships assist in producing revenues by displaying appropriate ads and sponsored content. Telehealth apps collaborate with pharmaceutical companies, healthcare brands, etc., providing valuable information and generating revenues from clicks, views, conversions, etc.

Subscription-Based Model

With the assistance of a subscription-based model, businesses can efficiently produce revenue. It helps telehealth apps to provide customized subscription plans with different stages of access to telehealth services. It encourages users to subscribe monthly or annually to features such as unlimited consultations, priority scheduling, etc.


The prevalent approach of generating revenue from telehealth apps is by executing a proper consultation model. Users pay a fee for each virtual appointment in a pay-per-consultation model, demonstrating transparency. The pay-per-consultation methodology allows users to conveniently pay for the consultation within the app, providing a secure payment processing mechanism.

In-App Purchases

Offering additional services or features as in-app purchases allows telehealth apps to generate revenue beyond core telehealth services. Users can choose to purchase add-ons such as access to premium health content, personalized health plans, or virtual wellness programs, providing additional revenue streams while enhancing the user experience and engagement within the app.

Empower Your Telehealth Journey with Appinventiv

Appinventiv, a prominent healthcare app development company, specializes in assisting businesses in creating innovative and impactful healthcare applications. At Appinventiv, we collaborate to develop top-notch applications, offering tailored solutions to meet businesses’ specific needs and objectives. Our healthcare software development services encompass concept ideation, UI/UX strategy, flawless frontend and backend development, quality assurance testing, deployment, and maintenance.

We recently developed a healthcare platform, Soniphi. Through an extensive development process, including constant iterations and feature-driven approaches, Appinventiv collaborated closely with the Soniphi team to bring their vision to life. Additionally, their algorithm development and rigorous testing methodologies ensured the correlation of voice recordings with healthcare reports, further enhancing the app’s effectiveness and reliability.

Healthcare platform - Soniphi Screens

In addition, Appinventiv has spearheaded the development of YouCOMM, a groundbreaking healthcare platform that facilitates communication between in-hospital patients and nurses, revolutionizing the efficiency of patient-caregiver interactions. The app has successfully achieved a 60% improvement in nurses’ response time, leading to enhanced patient care.

YouCOMM Screens

Get in touch with our experts to build a telehealth app similar to Teladoc, customized to suit your business needs.


Q. How much does telehealth app development cost?

A. The cost to develop a telehealth app can fluctuate significantly, depending on various factors such as the app’s complexity, feature set, design specifications, development team composition, and integration with third-party services. To give you a rough estimate, the overall cost to develop an app like Teladoc can vary from $40,000 to $300,000 or even higher. Connect with us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the costs associated with developing your telehealth app.

Q. How long does it take to develop an app like Teladoc?

A. The duration needed to develop an app similar to Teladoc can vary depending on factors such as the app’s complexity, feature set, expertise of the development team, and project management methodology. On average, the development process for a telehealth app resembling Teladoc may take approximately three months to 1 year or more, encompassing phases like design, development, testing, and deployment.

Q. What are some common technologies used in telehealth applications?

A. Telehealth applications leverage various technologies, including video conferencing software, messaging platforms, cloud computing for data storage, secure communication protocols such as HIPAA-compliant messaging, and wearable devices for remote monitoring.

Dileep Gupta
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