How Much Does it Cost to Build an On-Demand Delivery App Like Mrsool?

Sudeep Srivastava March 27, 2024
Cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool

The on-demand delivery industry is thriving due to the increased need for convenient and efficient services. Apps like Mrsool, which offer a seamless platform for customers to access a multitude of services at their fingertips, have become trailblazers in the revolution of product delivery. If you want to explore the business landscape of on-demand delivery and make an app similar to Mrsool, the development costs are one of the most important things to consider.

Developing a solid, intuitive, feature-rich, on-demand delivery application requires a well-thought-out financial plan considering several factors. Depending on these factors, the cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool ranges from $30,000 to $300,000 or more.

In this blog, we’ll explore the major factors that affect the total on-demand delivery app development cost and examine its must-have features, development process, and revenue models. But first, let’s look at its market statistics.

Tap into the 5M Mrsool app market and build a similar app with us

A Comprehensive Look at Mrsool App’s Growth

Founded in 2015 by Ayman Al-Sanad and Naif Al-Saif in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Mrsool emerged as the preferred on-demand delivery app by recognizing the Saudi Arabian market’s need for a reliable delivery service. With its name translating to “to send” in Arabic, Mrsool facilitates easy connections between customers and local stores, establishing itself as a reliable conduit for goods.

Mrsool app screens

Initially focusing on small item deliveries, Mrsool quickly expanded its services to include groceries, electronics, and other products, meeting the diverse demands of its growing customer base. Its exponential growth and unique on-demand experience propelled Mrsool to become one of Saudi Arabia’s leading delivery platforms, extending its popularity to other Middle Eastern countries like Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain.

What sets Mrsool apart is its commitment to delivering everything, from food to essential items, making it an unparalleled, comprehensive solution in the market. With user-friendly features such as live chat with drivers, an ordering bot for seamless transactions, and the ability to review and reorder from past purchases, Mrsool ensures a customer-centric experience.

As per a recent report by Similar Web, Mrsool indicates a noteworthy trend, projecting that by 2024, it is anticipated to amass a user base of around 2-5 million. This projection highlights Mrsool’s exceptional growth trajectory and its ability to carve a significant niche in the fiercely competitive on-demand delivery market.

Revenue Analysis of Mrsool App: 2022- 2024

As evidenced by the anticipated revenue surge, Mrsool’s success can be attributed to its distinctive services, diverse offerings, and strategic expansion initiatives. This report not only highlights a shifting consumer preference towards Mrsool but also positions the platform as a frontrunner in the industry, showcasing its prominence and success within the evolving landscape of on-demand delivery services. Considering the growing demand for on-demand delivery in Saudi, businesses can follow Mrsool’s lead to tap into this thriving market.

Factors Affecting Mrsool-Like App Development Cost

As revealed earlier, the overall budget to develop a Mrsool-like on-demand app can vary from $30,000 to $300,000. Various factors influence the cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool, including the complexity of features, customization requirements, and the need for advanced technologies. Thorough consideration of these factors is essential for accurate cost estimation and project planning. Let’s have a look at those:

Factors Influencing Mrsool Like App Development Cost

Choice of Feature Set

The app’s complexity and myriad features, including secure payment gateways, real-time tracking, user reviews, promotions, and chat functionality, contribute to its comprehensive nature. Furthermore, an intuitive and user-friendly interface is strategically designed to seamlessly integrate these features, ensuring effortless navigation and enhancing overall user accessibility.

Implementing personalized recommendation algorithms adds a layer of sophistication, amplifying user engagement and satisfaction. These advanced features and functionalities can impact the overall development cost, reflecting the investment in delivering an innovative and user-centric on-demand delivery experience.

[Also Read: How to Use AI to Design Better Mobile App User Experience?]

Choice of Platform

In order to develop an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool, considering several platforms could result in higher on-demand delivery app development costs. When choosing the platform, it is critical to consider the target audience’s preferred devices. While Android has a more varied user base, iOS development may require adhering to strict App Store requirements.

Cross-platform development simplifies maintenance, but it could take more work to guarantee consistent performance across many operating systems. A well-considered platform selection influences both the initial development expenses and long-term scalability of the app by matching its goals with the demographics of its users.

Complexity in Design

A well-designed interface is the gateway to user engagement and satisfaction within a mobile application. A positive user experience mostly depends on the interface’s responsiveness, intuitiveness, and visual attractiveness. The intricacy of the user interface design significantly influences the total cost of developing an on-demand delivery app.

Executing complicated designs with complex visuals, animations, and transitions can take more time and resources. Similarly, the degree of customization, including bespoke themes, individualized user journeys, and other unique interactive elements, can affect the overall app development costs.

Location of Development Team

The location of the development team plays a decisive role in determining the Mrsool-like app development cost. Hourly rates for developers vary across regions, impacting the overall project expenses. Additionally, the local economic conditions of the development team’s region contribute to the cost dynamics, with some having higher labor expenses than others. For a better understanding of this, consider the table below.

RegionHourly Development Rate
Western Europe$80-$90
Eastern Europe$50-$55

This highlights the importance of a strategic approach in selecting a development team, where the decision must balance cost-effectiveness with expertise for the successful execution of the project. Careful consideration of these factors ensures a judicious investment aligned with the specific needs and goals of your on-demand delivery app development project.

Integration with Third-Party APIs

The cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool can increase if you intend to integrate your app with third-party services or APIs for features like social media, mapping, or payment processing.

The overall development effort is influenced by the difficulty of integrating with external services, guaranteeing smooth data transmission, and adjusting to potential upgrades from third-party vendors.

The Size of the Development Team

While hiring a larger development team could expedite the mobile app development process, it will also impact the overall development costs. The cost to develop an app like Mrsool is also influenced by the development team’s experience and competence level. A comprehensive app development team includes project managers, UI/UX designers, mobile app developers, quality assurance (QA) specialists, database administrators, scrum masters, data analysts, and others.

This strategic investment ensures the successful development of a high-quality app and accelerates the overall development timeline, facilitating a quicker and more efficient app launch. The balance between cost and competence becomes crucial in achieving a successful and timely deployment in the competitive landscape of on-demand delivery services.

Also Read- How to hire a dedicated development team?

Adherence to Regulations

Developing an app that is compliant with regulations or standards may result in higher on-demand delivery app development costs. Adherence to regulations necessitates a careful process that could impact the overall app development expenses. Implementing features that adhere to industry standards or legal requirements, including data protection or accessibility norms, requires more resources.

Navigating compliance complexities adds time to the development process and requires specialist knowledge, which raises additional costs associated with developing a secure and compliant application. Therefore, for successful implementation and accurate Mrsool-like app development cost estimation, a thorough understanding of regulatory requirements is essential.

Know the cost of developing an on-demand app like Mrsool from our experts

Features to Integrate during Mrsool-like App Development

The success of any on-demand delivery app development relies on implementing several essential features across a few distinct panels- user, store, delivery executive, and admin. These specialized panels ensure a comprehensive and user-friendly experience, building transparency, efficiency, and optimal management throughout the application performance.

Implementing features of various complexities also adds to the cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool, but makes it more robust and engaging. Let’s check out the top Mrsool app features:

Features of Mrsool App

User Panel

The customer-facing interface in the Mrsool app is designed for an intuitive and user-friendly experience. It provides customers with easy access to diverse features, enhancing their ordering experience and ensuring a seamless journey through the app.

Registration/Login: Users can create accounts or log in using their credentials, enabling a personalized experience and order history while ensuring secure access to the platform.

Browse and Search: An easy-to-use interface allows users to navigate the available services and goods, improving the user experience overall by making navigation and discovery more efficient.

Order Placement: With a user-friendly interface that streamlines the process from product selection to checkout, users can make seamless orders.

Real-time Tracking: This feature allows users to seamlessly track the location and status of their orders in real-time, offering them transparency and peace of mind.

Payment: Secure payment options for seamless transactions, ensuring the complete safety and confidentiality of users’ financial information while facilitating swift and hassle-free payments.

Rating and Reviews: Users can provide feedback and ratings for completed orders, building a sense of community and trust by allowing customers to share their ordering experiences, thereby helping others make informed decisions about products or services.

Store Panel

The store panel is crafted to offer store managers a comprehensive set of tools. With an intuitive interface, store managers can effortlessly manage inventory, process orders, and access valuable data insights, contributing to an efficient and well-coordinated operation within the app.

Mrsool app store manager panel app screens

Registration/Login: By creating accounts or logging in, stores can access a personalized and secure platform that facilitates effective management of their services.

Product Management: Store managers can add, edit, or remove products to make real-time, dynamic product changes to reflect promotions or inventory changes.

Order Processing: This feature allows store managers to receive and process incoming orders in real-time, ensuring prompt and accurate handling of customer requests for a seamless operational workflow.

Inventory Management: This allows stores to manage stock levels and update product availability, providing precise control over inventory to prevent overselling and maintain accurate records.

Earnings and Reports: This feature allows stores to view sales data, earnings, and generate reports, offering comprehensive insights into the business’s financial performance, customer trends, and areas for potential improvement.

Delivery Executive Panel

The delivery executive panel in the Mrsool app is tailored to empower delivery personnel with efficient tools. With user-friendly interfaces and features, delivery executives can seamlessly manage orders, navigate routes, and optimize their delivery operations for a streamlined and productive experience.

Registering or Logging in: Delivery personnels can register or log in to the platform, building a customized profile to expedite communication and gain access to crucial resources for effective order handling.

Order Acceptance: This feature enables delivery executives to control their workload by accepting or rejecting incoming requests.

Real-Time Navigation: This enables real-time navigation capabilities, helping delivery executives find their way to the pickup and delivery locations.

Earnings and Payouts: This feature gives delivery executives a clear picture of their profits and allows them to personalize payout procedures for more convenient and flexible financial possibilities.

Admin Panel

The Mrsool app’s admin panel is a robust control center equipped with powerful features. Admins can efficiently oversee and manage the entire ecosystem, monitor user activity, track deliveries, and gain valuable insights through comprehensive analytics, ensuring the platform’s smooth and effective operation.

Dashboard: An overview of the platform’s performance and key metrics, serving as a comprehensive tool for administrators to identify areas for improvement.

User Management: Allows admins to manage user accounts, verify user identities, and handle support, ensuring a secure and positive user experience.

Order Management: Enables admins to monitor and manage orders, including tracking and updates, providing administrators with real-time insights into order fulfillment.

Payment Management: This allows the administrators to handle transactions, refunds, and payment-related issues, maintaining financial integrity by efficiently managing payment processes.

Promotions and Discounts: This feature allows admins to create and manage promotional offers and discounts, facilitating marketing strategies to attract and retain users while adapting promotional campaigns.

Analytics: Enables admins to generate reports and analyze user and system data for insights, leveraging data-driven decision-making by extracting meaningful patterns and trends.

These top Mrsool app features guarantee seamless performance, empowering users, admins, delivery executives, and store managers to navigate the platform effortlessly, manage orders efficiently, and engage in a streamlined and user-centric experience.

Unlocking Mrsool’s Competitive Edge: Advanced App Features

The advanced Mrsool app features contribute to a more user-friendly, efficient, and differentiated platform. Let’s have a look at those:

Mrsool App Features

In-App Chat Support

This feature allows users to engage in real-time conversations with customer support directly within the app. It facilitates instant assistance, addressing queries or concerns promptly. Additionally, automated chatbots streamline common interactions, offering quick and efficient support without requiring users to leave the application.

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration

This feature allows users to experience augmented reality within the app, offering features such as virtual try-ons for clothing or AR previews for furniture. It provides a more immersive and interactive shopping experience, allowing customers to visualize products in their own space before making a purchase decision.

Customized Recommendations

This feature allows the application to leverage advanced AI algorithms to deliver personalized product recommendations. By analyzing user preferences and order history, the app provides tailored suggestions, enhancing the shopping experience and increasing the likelihood of customer satisfaction and repeat business.

Multilingual Assistance

This feature provides multilingual support throughout the app, ensuring inclusion.

By customizing their language options, users can have a more engaging and pleasant experience that is catered to their linguistic requirements.

Environmental Sustainability Features

This feature helps users choose environmentally friendly packaging and monitor the carbon footprint of their deliveries, among other eco-friendly decisions. It aligns with environmentally friendly practices, appealing to users who prioritize sustainability.

Essential Steps to Create an App Like Mrsool

The Mrsool app development process encompasses essential stages, beginning with thorough market research to comprehend user needs. Subsequently, a strategic planning phase is undertaken to map out the implementation of features meticulously. Collaboration with a seasoned on-demand app development company is then prioritized, ensuring a seamless and efficient development journey.

Key Steps to Build an App Like Mrsool

Conceptualization and Planning

In the initial planning phase, the development team defines the app’s goals, identifies the target market, and specifies essential features and functionalities. They conduct thorough market research to analyze competition and gain insights into users’ needs. The team carefully outlines the structural framework and functionality of the app, which involves strategic considerations, resource planning, and anticipation of potential challenges.

UI/UX Design

This phase involves the development of precise UI and UX designs to enhance user engagement. App wireframes are crafted to test the app’s functionality and navigation, ensuring a seamless user experience.

Additionally, attention is given to creating visually appealing icons and logos, crucial elements for establishing a consistent and attractive brand identity. The team balances achieving a straightforward, user-friendly design and aligning it with the app’s overarching goal throughout the development process.

Our experts at Appinventiv played a key role in enhancing the UI/UX strategy for Domino’s, the renowned pizza joint, resulting in a remarkable 23% surge in the app’s conversion rate.

How we collaborated with Domino's to refine its UI/UX strategy.


The development phase involves selecting the right technology stack and building the frontend and backend components. Features such as order processing, real-time tracking, payment integration, and user registration are implemented in this stage. Throughout the development process, continuous testing is carried out to find and fix defects and guarantee the app’s resilience, security, and reliability.


Extensive testing is carried out to confirm the app’s usability, security, and functionality. While usability testing evaluates the overall user experience, functional testing ensures that every feature functions as intended. Testing for compatibility is done on various hardware and operating systems. Security flaws are fixed, and quality control procedures are followed to provide a stable and secure application.


The deployment phase includes setting up servers and databases for the app’s launch. The application is then made available on pertinent platforms, including Google Play Stores or App Stores. The deployment process is continuously monitored to spot and resolve potential problems during the initial release, guaranteeing a seamless user experience.

Post-Launch Maintenance and Support

Following the launch, user feedback, bug reports, and any new issues are addressed through ongoing app maintenance. Updates are frequently published to introduce new functionality, improve performance, and address any problems found. With thorough monitoring of app analytics, which provides insights into user behavior, apps are continuously improved and refined depending on user input and interactions.

When it comes to analyzing the cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool, app maintenance, and support services add to the expense.

Also Read- What is the Cost of Maintaining an App in 2024?

Revenue Model for an App Similar to Mrsool

Developing a revenue model for an app similar to Mrsool involves carefully considering various monetization strategies tailored to balance user value and profitability. It’s crucial to align these revenue streams with the overall user experience while considering the cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool. This strategic approach ensures a sustainable business model that benefits both users and the platform’s long-term success.

Revenue Model for App Similar to Mrsool

Delivery Charges

Charge users a shipping fee for every order. This fee may be fixed or changed according to distance, urgency, or other elements. As observed with Mrsool’s success, incorporating a well-calibrated delivery charge system generates revenue and contributes to customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Merchant Commission

Collaborate with nearby retailers and get a commission for each order that comes through your platform. As leveraged as a revenue stream by Mrsool, the strategic application of the merchant commission model creates a win-win situation that drives the on-demand delivery ecosystem’s overall expansion and success.


Include in-app advertisements from nearby companies or other pertinent sponsors. You can pay these companies to advertise their goods or services to your user base.

Peak-Time Costs

Adopt peak-time pricing when demand is at its highest. This will ensure that supply and demand are more evenly distributed, and customers will be ready to pay more for urgent deliveries.

Also Read- How Much Money Can You Earn Through An App?

Referral Program

Launch a referral program that offers discounts or other rewards to users and merchants who bring new clients or companies to the platform.

Subscriptions Plans

Provide membership programs for customers who wish to take advantage of extras like priority service, free or reduced delivery, or special offers.

Featured Listings

Give retailers the option to purchase featured listings, which showcase or promote their goods or services inside the app. Featured listing allows businesses to improve their brand visibility.

Initiate your on-demand app development journey with us

How Can Appinventiv Help You Develop an App Like Mrsool?

The emergence of on-demand applications, such as Mrsool, indicates a radical change in consumer behavior and market dynamics in the Middle East region. With instant access to a wide range of products and services, these apps act as vital conduits in our fast-paced lives where convenience is valued above all else.

The significance of on-demand applications lies in their ability to meet consumers’ increasing needs by offering seamless services. Beyond customer convenience, this shift offers businesses opportunities for expansion, improved customer engagement, and operational efficiency.

As a leading mobile app development company in Saudi Arabia, Appinventiv is trusted for crafting top-tier apps similar to Mrsool. Boasting a stellar reputation in the mobile app development domain, our experts bring a wealth of experience to the table. From app conceptualization and design to end-to-end coding, testing, and deployment, our adept team excels in app development.

Our skilled developers, designers, and project managers collaborate seamlessly to transform your vision into a fully functional app. With over 8 years in the industry, we have teamed up with leading global clientele like KFC, IKEA, Pizza Hut, Adidas, and helped various startups like JobGet, Vyrb, and EdFundo gain massive funding; guiding them in digital transformation and expanding their user base.

Connect with our experts today to learn the cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool and initiate the process of building one.


Q. How to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool?

A. Here are the steps to create an app like Mrsool:

Market Research: Analyze the target audience and competition.

Define Features: Determine core functionalities (ordering, tracking, payment) and include additional features (reviews, promotions, chat).

Select Platform: Choose between iOS, Android, or cross-platform development and consider user preferences and market share.

UI/UX Design: Create an intuitive and visually appealing interface. Also, prioritize user experience for easy navigation.

Backend Development: Build a robust server architecture and implement secure data storage and retrieval.

Frontend Development: Develop user-friendly interfaces for customers and delivery personnel and ensure responsive design for various devices.

Testing: Conduct rigorous testing for functionality and security, address bugs, and optimize performance.

App Launch: Deploy the app on chosen platforms and implement a marketing strategy for a successful launch.

Scale and Optimize: Monitor app performance and user engagement.

Q. How much does the development of an app like Mrsool cost?

A. The cost to build an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool depends on certain factors like features, complexity, location of development teams, and technology selections. Generally, to make an app like Mrsool, costs can range from $30,000 to $300,000 or more. However, it is crucial to conduct a detailed analysis of your app’s requirements and consult with app development experts for an accurate cost estimate tailored to your project’s specifications and goals.

Q. How long does it take to develop an app like Mrsool?

A. On average, an on-demand delivery app like Mrsool takes 3-12 months to develop. This estimate depends on several factors, such as the complexity of the app, the intended features, the size of the development team, and the selected technological stack. Initial stages like market research and planning may require several weeks, while actual development, testing, and optimization contribute to most of the timeline. Read this blog to know how long it takes to build an app.

Sudeep Srivastava
Co-Founder and Director
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