How Could Metaverse be a Game Changer for the Virtual Gaming Industry?

Sudeep Srivastava April 17, 2023
metaverse gaming

The debut of the gaming metaverse powered by VR technology is creating massive hype in the gaming industry and has become the talk of the town among gamers. According to recent studies, more than 52% of the gamers in the US believe that the Metaverse can revolutionize the gaming industry. 

As per the latest industry reports, the global metaverse market is expected to reach $1,527.55 billion by 2029 from $100.27 billion in 2022, at a CAGR of 47.6%. This growth contributes to a surge in the adoption of online video gaming based on AR/VR trends and technologies

VR-incorporated gaming platforms create an illusion for a realistic experience using 3D images, VR headsets, full display screens, and rooms with sensory features of scents and tactile sensations. The platforms have reinvented the gaming industry paradigm and helped it gain major traction among gamers because of a highly impeccable and fascinating virtual experience.

It is fascinating to see how Metaverse gaming is revolutionizing the cyberspace of gaming into an interactive and engaging 3D platform by offering immersive environments. If Metaverse gaming interests you, this article explains everything about the gaming metaverse and its implications on the virtual gaming industry, so that you understand how to create metaverse games for your business.

How about we start by taking an overview of the gaming ecosystem before Metaverse?

Virtual Gaming Before and After Metaverse

Initially, first generation games were less interactive and allowed less control from the payer. Further, the second generation games allowed playing virtual games with and without financial commitment leading to better engagement. 

Post this, the virtual gaming world was majorly based on blockchain-powered games involved with significant multiplayer games. However, blockchain later changed the gaming paradigm by using NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

Currently, Metaverse-based virtual ecosystems are the latest evolution in the gaming industry, leading gamers to experience next-level environments. Metaverse in the gaming industry can either be centralized or decentralized, although gaming companies focus more on decentralized projects since the future is decrypted. 

This has also ushered a new gaming reality called Web 3.0 gaming that allows players to move characters from one gaming experience to another. This model is also popularly known as the “play-to-earn” model in the virtual gaming platform. 

Our Metaverse experts can help your business ride the next wave of virtual gaming

Now, how does this Metaverse affect virtual gaming? Let’s take a look:

How Metaverse Impacts the Virtual Gaming Platform?

According to a study by Ernst & Young, 97% of executives believe that the gaming industry is central to the development of the metaverse, and 48% of the executives state that the Metaverse would change business models for virtual gaming businesses and drive revenue while also giving brands new opportunities to build relationships with their customers.

How do you use the metaverse in gaming? 

Metaverse is a virtual world that connects global customers with a shared digital platform to interact and socialize. Businesses looking to invest in Metaverse for gaming, leverage modern technologies, including 3D reconstruction, Augmented Reality, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain, to develop powerful and future versions of the Metaverse gaming apps.

The Metaverse has the potential to fascinate users by offering them an impression and environment that they are truly in the real world they have entered. It provides them with a 3D environment or space where they interact closely with the elements around them. 

Along with this, Metaverse also delivers an immersive and out-of-the-world experience where users can study, connect, work, earn money, and even attend meetings and concerts virtually with NFT trading, and live game streaming.

Metaverse gaming is a vast ecosystem gaining traction for bringing the vision of realistic experiences to life. The applications of Metaverse redefine the future of online interactions, content ownership, and even real trading. 

One example of the 3D virtual game platform Cens World launched as the ‘Future Metaverse Open-World Game of the Century,’ facilitates players to craft their own stories and give their characters personalities.

This is a real-time example of delivering inevitable gaming experiences leveraged by modern technologies.

Now, what options do players get in Metaverse gaming? 

Key Characteristics of Metaverse Virtual Gaming 

Metaverse gaming can transform various aspects of activities in a virtual environment. Mirroring life, Metaverse does not require any special gadgets such as headspace and has the potential to touch far more verticals in gaming than AR and VR. 

Here are key characteristics and aspects touched by Metaverse use cases in gaming:

characteristics and aspects touched by Metaverse use cases in gaming

Social gaming

The Metaverse is inherently social, providing players with a socialistic environment where they can build relationships with the elements around them. Multi-player gaming will take on an additional dimension as players can invite friends from the real world, interact with other players, build relationships, etc.

Play to earn 

It is one of the crucial elements of gaming in the Metaverse. Players can also engage in profitable activities besides following linear storytelling and rules. They can also involve trading activities like selling the assets they have won inside the game to other players for metaverse based crypto gaming.

Flexible gaming experience

It provides a much more flexible immersive gaming experience. You can easily add players to the virtual world, create their content, build sub-games within a game, and treat the gaming environment as a platform-like space for other activities.

Portable game assets 

The interoperable architecture of the Metaverse could allow for asset portability. Weapons or avatar enhancements acquired in one game could be portable to a different environment, and NFT rules would govern persistent ownership.

Mixed reality experience 

The Metaverse leverages AR and MR to provide a more organic experience. Gaming in the Metaverse could incorporate mixed reality, where users move from group text in AR to an MR board game to a full-fledged Metaverse Virtual Reality world in a seamless workflow.

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What other technologies drive virtual metaverse gaming platforms?

4 Modern Technologies that Empower the Gaming Metaverse

The gaming Metaverse has been leveraging modern technologies and has urged gaming companies to shift their interest toward Metaverse games. They strive to deliver an impeccable and best-in-class gaming experience. Game app development company use next-gen technologies, including blockchain, artificial intelligence, and IoT.

Let’s dive into the top emerging technologies required to develop a gaming Metaverse:

AR and VR Technology

The AR and VR technology offer inevitable and exciting 3D experiences empowering Metaverse development. AR has the potential to transform the real world and creates an amazing virtual gaming world using visual elements and characters. It facilitates smartphones and digital devices to let customers enjoy impeccable gaming experience.

Blockchain and Metaverse cryptocurrency

Blockchain technology facilitates businesses to develop decentralized Metaverse projects. It enables companies with enormous benefits, including digital proof of ownership, transfer of value, digital collectability, and interoperability. Metaverse based Cryptocurrencies permit users to transfer value in the 3D Metaverse.

Internet of things (IoT)

While leveraging the power of IoT solutions, Metaverse can collect, obtain and utilize massive data from the real world. The applications of IoT connect the virtual world of the Metaverse to real-world digital devices so that objects can easily switch in the changing environments.

3D reconstruction

Implementing 3D applications is a traditional practice, but 3d reconstruction is a modern trend that has gained traction during the pandemic. Most real estate companies adopted this technology to take their potential buyers on a virtual property tour. Metaverse technology has been using 3D reconstructing to complement other technologies already existing in the Metaverse.

Challenges Yet to be Addressed in the Gaming Metaverse

Challenges are not always vulnerable to security threats but also bring enormous opportunities. Several challenges need to be addressed before reaching their full potential. The gaming Metaverse is a digital space where massive data is uploaded and is highly vulnerable to hacking and cybercrimes. 

Check out some major challenges gaming companies often face while developing mind-blowing games.

Challenges Yet to be Addressed in the Gaming Metaverse

Data security

As gamers put more and more personal information into the Metaverse to personalize their unique experiences, gaming companies will be held responsible for protecting their massive data from cyber criminals.

According to an EY report, gamers who want to visit exciting locations in the Metaverse will not stay long if they feel their data or safety is at risk. 

In contrast, gamers will return to platforms and products offered by companies they feel are transparent, safe, and trustworthy. This suggests cybersecurity is essential to a customized gamer experience and brand loyalty.

Unsure of how to incorporate NFTs into gaming

NFTs in gaming can include digital assets that players can own in their virtual universe and have the potential to be a building block of the Metaverse economy. 

According to the EY US report, gaming executives believe that increased usage of NFTs boosts customer satisfaction, grows margins, and improves the visibility of products and services.

Despite these benefits, 90% of executives said their companies currently do not have a viable business model to capture value from NFTs. 

To bridge this gap, successful gaming companies will focus on developing NFT technology that supports what gamers want and on doing it in a way that is mutually beneficial to players and companies.

Managing user data

As gaming companies step up efforts to identify Metaverse opportunities, they often face an influx in available user data. Protecting your personal information from cyber attackers means gaming companies need to have professionals or experts working in the background in data analytics and cybersecurity.

Hire an expert who can understand the implications of decentralized and distributed ecosystems and get it resolved at the right time. 

According to a report, nearly 47% of gaming executives believe that they can easily manage cyber risks by hiring employees with advanced cybersecurity skills. 

Control child-appropriate services and controls

Gamers found it challenging to monitor kids’ activity and tell children if there is heavy avatar customization. Gaming companies must design games keeping the children’s safety with sufficient controls and ensure age-appropriate experiences.

Infrastructure Breach

The deficit of interoperability and uniformity between the multiple Metaverse gaming platforms is one of the biggest challenges companies face in the gaming Metaverse. 

The massive scale of interoperability required to build a gaming Metaverse is yet to be achieved by the gaming companies. Tech giants and patent holders collaborate, different countries must collaborate on a singular body of Metaverse laws, and our sheer technology has a long way to evolve.

You can also check out : How much does it cost to develop Metaverse

This was all one needs to know about the impact and use cases of Metaverse in the gaming industry. However, before we take a stop, you must also consider looking at a few Metaverse games that are trending worldwide.

5 Best Metaverse Games Hitting Engagement in 2022 and Beyond

The gaming Metaverse has become increasingly popular, with plenty of Metaverse games on the way. Here are five Metaverse games you must try now.



Sandbox is a popular Metaverse game launched in 2012 where users are represented as block-like customizable avatars who become owners of what they create through blockchain and smart contracts. Sandbox has primarily three main products-

VoxEdit is a 3D modeling tool where you can create avatars, vehicles, plants, animals, and tools.

Marketplace from where you can sell your items.

Game Maker from where users can develop 3D games without using code.

In the Sandbox Metaverse game, the main currency is called sand. You can acquire and trade land and estates, which you can select from the Sandbox map.

Chain of Alliance

Chain of Alliance

Launched in 2020, Chain of Alliance is another role-playing Metaverse online game involving personalized monsters with NFT value. Here you have to field up to 8 characters in your team per round. To win, you should choose the best players and arm them with powerful weapons.

My Neighbor Alice

My Neighbor Alice

My Neighbor Alice is a commonly played multiplayer game where you can own and cultivate virtual farming plots or islands guided by Alice. The game is much similar to Farmville where you can select the crops you want to grow and the livestock to breed and interact with others.

You can trade the NFTs in My Neighbor Alice including plants, animals, houses, clothes, etc., on the Alice marketplace and other blockchains.

Alien Worlds 

Alien Worlds 

Farmers World

Farmers World

Released in 2021, the most popular Metaverse game, “Farmers World,” virtually provides an amazing farming experience. Here you can buy land to mine gold, grow crops you want, catch fish, and even build homes for your farm animals. Not only this, but you can also buy tools on the AtomicHub market for more additional features and functionalities. 

The NFTs here are milk and eggs or everything on your virtual property that comes out of it. Moreover, you can also sell or trade your harvest to other players.

Future of Gaming Metaverse

Metaverse in the gaming industry is elevated to new heights with each passing year. It has now become a mainstream technology and the next big thing that will change the face of the gaming world. It’s a one step forward, and it might surface before you realize its power to uplift virtual reality.

While Metaverse gaming is still in its initial stage, metaverse development companies strive to launch their next-generation gaming platforms. Decentraland and Sandbox are examples of futuristic projects, and big tech giants like Microsoft and Facebook are coming with their unique Metaverse projects in the coming years. Hence, we will likely experience a much-enhanced version of Metaverse in the future.

How can Appinventiv Help You with Metaverse Development? 

Appinventiv is a leading Metaverse development company carrying years of experience in building immersive applications. The team of Metaverse experts here can serve as a strong metaverse software development service partner that can take your project off the ground and lead it towards success. Our suite of Metaverse development services include:

  • Metaverse application development
  • Metaverse game development
  • Metaverse NFT Marketplace development 
  • Metaverse interaction services
  • Metaverse social media app development and much more. 

Get in touch with our technical experts to get started now. 

Sudeep Srivastava
Co-Founder and Director
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